viernes, 12 de julio de 2013

Schönbrunn Palace

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This post isn't about clothes at all, but I just wanted to share my favorite place of all the trip: Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna. 

The Palace per se is not the most amazing thing about the place, but the gardens, the Neptune Fountain, the "Gloriette" (the small building at the top of the hill) and all of them together are really breathtaking. I don't know how exactly to describe it... it's a majestic imposing sight, and I am grateful I had the chance to see it. 

At first you don't want to leave the place, because the view is such a beautiful thing... but it only gets better when you climb the hill and turnaround to see the palace and the city of Vienna behind... 

About the outfit... well I will just say that since I didn't pack enough warm clothes, so I had to reuse a lot those pair of jeans... 

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