miércoles, 3 de julio de 2013

just mixing

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I have so much in my mind right now that I can't spend much time thinking about outfits, so I thank god those days I have enough inspiration to think about what I'm going to wear in less than 2 minutes. Also it's a bit difficult to guess the weather here,
because even when we're over 30ºc, we're expecting (and having) some rain, so the outfits must be flexible enough to be wearable in the extreme hot, humidity and cold of the a.c. inside the office... Some days the answer resides in wearing basics, some others in mixing prints or tendencies. This last it's what came into my mind the morning I wore this outfit: simple sheer bicolor shirt, print pants, and my beloved heels which I first thought when i bought them they would be not that comfortable but surprisingly are.

Shirt and pants (Folka) / Heels (Zara)  

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