
lunes, 8 de abril de 2013

maxi & hat

2 comentarios:

I think this dress is my favorite item so far this year and although it's really striking, you are going to see me wearing it a lot! It's perfect for a summer's day or even a not-so-elegant wedding by day. 
For this day I decided to use it wearing a hat (smart choice because the weather that day was freaking hot!), and comfy sandals to walk around the beautiful Tlaquepaque. 

Dress (Forever XXI) 

2 comentarios:

  1. w0owW n3nA!!! T vEZz c0oM0o t0odA uNa pRinCeZzaP d3 lA pRiMaVeRa jIJI l0ov3 iT

    1. ssstoooiii compl3tamEEeentE3 d' AAacuerd00 con Anónimo, tt3 vesS$ guAP3rrrRRR111mAAA!!!


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